Timeframe: 1st January 2022 – 31th December 2024
WP0 - Go To Market Strategy
Work Package (WP) 0 is dedicated to the definition of a commercialisation strategy for the technologies developed in the project.
WP1 - Coordination
This Work Package will be devoted to the management of the consortium to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the project.
WP2 - Supply, characterisation and pre-treatment
In this WP PCBs feedstock collection and characterization will be performed for the definition of the best PCBs streams for the technologies under study. Moreover, a part of the WP will be dedicated to the set-up of an innovative eco-point that will be created to enhance the collection of small e-waste appliances where waste PCBs are mainly stored.
WP3 - Pilot Plan - procurement
The WP3 is the core of the RENEW Project. In this WP, AC and TALTECH will test the PCBs collected in WP2 to evaluate the performance of the pilot plants.
WP4 - Separation process pilot campaign test
The WP4 is the core of the RENEW Project. In this WP, AC and TALTECH will test the PCBs collected in WP2 to evaluate the performance of the pilot plants. Info on the behaviour of WEEE waste, on the operating conditions and possible optimization will be extracted and results monitored. The qualitative and quantitative characterization of the metals recovered from the processes will be performed.
WP5 - Epoxy valorisation pilot campaign test
The epoxy coming from the pilot plants in WP4 will be used as input to the thermo-chemical treatment process run in the already existent pilot plant owned by FRAUNHOFER. The resin will be converted into solid materials (metals and fibres), gas and oil. Following step will be the evaluation of different valorisation routes for the conversion of the obtained phenols to high-value polymers.
WP6 - Results assessment and ETV
In this WP analysis of Project results will be performed. Results coming from the previous WP and pilot demos will be considered together for the global evaluation of the demonstrated technologies and the processes performance. Besides, if Atlantic Copper technology is evaluated as mature enough, the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) certification request will be conducted.
WP7 - Industrial scale feasibility study
The WP7 will be dedicated to the feasibility study for the industrial upscaling stage of the project. It will consider both the implementation at a recycler facility and at a copper smelter. Different aspects will be deeply evaluated, such as: Basic Engineering of the RENEW, industrial Project permits identification and requirements, Health and Safety Studies, HAZOP, CAPEX, OPEX, etc.
WP8 - Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Cost
In this WP a comparative LCA study will be made in order to assess the relative improvement of the avoided environmental burden with and without the use of the polymer extraction technology in place, comparing it also with alternative state of the art End of Life treatment methods for electronic fractions of WEEE. The Life Cycle Cost model will consider the economic feasibility of the project model.
WP9 - Communication and Dissemination
WP9 is dedicated to the communication and dissemination activities that will be carried out during the life span of the project. The objective will be to maximise the knowledge transfer, boost behavioural change among businesses and citizens. Partners participations to conference will be foreseen in order to disseminate project results.